
Travel to Tuscany in Karina Halle’s 5 Star “One Hot Italian Summer”

“You’re mine, Grace. More than my muse, more than a lover. I’ve never felt this way before about anything or anyone, and I … I know that if you just trust me, if you give me your heart, I will carry it with me. I will be kind and gentle with it. I will always keep it tucked next to mine. So that whatever happens in the future, it doesn’t matter. I’ll have your heart and you’ll have mine.”


Book Review – Always Only You by Chloe Liese

Always Only You by Chloe Liese My rating: 5 of 5 stars Dedication in this book: For the misfits. You are wonderfully made. You belong. Always. In Chloe Liese’s #OwnVoices romance “Always Only You”, she spills open her heart and mind and enlightens readers about autism in such a way that she completely sweeps us …