Original Cocky Bastard Series The original series written by Penelope Ward and Vi Keeland was published in the following order: Cocky Bastard, Stuck-Up Suit, Playboy Pilot, Mister Moneybags, British Bedmate and Park Avenue Player. The New Cocky Hero Club Series The Cocky Hero Club series of books is based on the world created by the …
Two Great Books among the Latest Cocky Hero Releases: Cocky Carpenter & British Black Sheep
I was only able to read two of the titles in the latest batch of the Cocky Hero Releases but they both turned out to be really fantastic. I recommend both titles to you. Cocky Carpenter by Maggie Mundy Suspenseful Romance Is Feast For the Senses 4.5/5 Stars What you need to know about Cocky …