How To Fix Your Terrible NetGalley Ratio

How To Fix Your Terrible NetGalley Ratio: A Practical Guide

How To Fix Your Terrible NetGalley Ratio

A Practical Guide on How to Improve Your NetGalley Ratio Without Losing Your Sanity. If you’re wondering how to fix your terrible NetGalley ratio, you’re in the right place.

So, you’ve signed up for NetGalley, and the allure of unlimited free books has pulled you inโ€”hard. You eagerly request all the books, imagining yourself breezing through them in a week, typing out glowing reviews, and being hailed as a bookish hero by publishers and authors alike.

But instead, reality hits: your “To Be Reviewed” shelf is towering like Mount Everest, your ratio is stuck at 32%, and you feel like youโ€™re drowning in ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) youโ€™ll probably never read. You flew a little too close to the sun, my friend!

Never fear! Hereโ€™s a practical guide on how to improve your NetGalley ratio while keeping your love for reading (and your sanity) intact.

How To Fix Your Terrible NetGalley Ratio

1. The Great TBR Purge

First things firstโ€”letโ€™s face the music. Go to your NetGalley shelf and take a deep, terrifying look at the titles you havenโ€™t touched inโ€ฆ letโ€™s just say “a while.” Itโ€™s time for some tough love: will you ever read that dystopian romance novel you requested in a moment of weakness? Probably not. Politely shelve it away in the โ€œNot Going to Happenโ€ mental drawer, and move on.

Pro Tip: Decline or archive the books you realistically wonโ€™t review. Itโ€™s okay. Publishers wonโ€™t hold a grudge against you (or at least, Iโ€™m 80% sure they wonโ€™t).

2. Set Up a Reading and Reviewing Calendar

Organizing your book life sounds boring, but trust me, itโ€™s a game-changer. Plot out a realistic schedule where youโ€™re reading and reviewing NetGalley titles at a steady pace. Whether itโ€™s one ARC a week or two a month, consistency is key.

Bonus Tip: Mix in some short reads (novellas, anyone?) to crank up your ratio quickly. Shorter books = faster reviews = that sweet, sweet percentage boost!

3. The DNF Dilemma

Not loving a book? Donโ€™t force it! Life is too short, and so is your patience. NetGalley reviewers can and should DNF (Did Not Finish) books if theyโ€™re just not doing it for you. But remember to still submit a review explaining why. Publishers appreciate the honesty, and it counts toward your ratio. Plus, no one said your reviews need to be 10 paragraphs long. Even a quick note like, “Just not for me, but the premise is cool!” does the job.

4. Craft Quick & Punchy Reviews

Think you need to write the next great American novel for every review? Nope! Short, snappy reviews are just as valuable. Readers love concise feedback, and so do time-strapped editors. Highlight what worked, mention what didnโ€™t, and call it a day. You can even sprinkle in a little humor for extra charm. Publishers love witty banter, right? (Probably.)

5. Donโ€™t Request EVERYTHING That Shines

Itโ€™s tempting, I know. You see a new rom-com with an adorable illustrated cover, and before you can stop yourself, youโ€™ve hit โ€œRequest.โ€ Stop. Take a breath. Ask yourself, โ€œDo I have time to read this in the next few weeks?โ€ If the answer is โ€œno,โ€ skip it. Be selective about what you request moving forward. Itโ€™ll save you from drowning in future book guilt.

6. Missed the Publication Date? No Worries!

Donโ€™t panic if a bookโ€™s publication date has passed! You can still submit a review, even if itโ€™s been a few months (or yearsโ€”no judgment here). Publishers still appreciate feedback post-launch, and it counts toward your ratio just the same. Better late than never, right?

7. Celebrate the Small Wins

Got your ratio up by 5%? Finished that ARC thatโ€™s been glaring at you from your e-reader for months? Celebrating these small victories will keep you motivated. Your NetGalley ratio doesnโ€™t need to be 100%โ€”aim for 80% or higher and remember that everyone (yes, even the superhuman reviewers) started somewhere.

Yes I have four due and a 93% ratio! I’m not perfect!

8. Remember: Reading is Supposed to Be Fun!

At the end of the day, youโ€™re on NetGalley because you love books, not because you need to hit some arbitrary ratio milestone. Donโ€™t stress if your percentage isnโ€™t perfect. Enjoy the journey, find new favorite authors, and most importantly, have fun while doing it!

Now go forth, brave reader, and conquer your NetGalley ratio! And hey, maybe treat yourself to a non-NetGalley book every now and then. Your TBR stack will understand.

Not that I’m trying to tempt you or anything, but here’s a list of October’s most anticipated new romance titles.

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Kate Grand

Hi, I'm Kate. I started this website in 2020 to share my love and respect for romance books. I adore the works of Chloe Liese, Penny Reid, Karina Halle, Talia Hilbert, Kennedy Ryan, Catherine Walsh, and Charish Reid. When I'm not devouring romance novels, I love to travel and spend time with my Nebelung cat, Fitz. I hope this space helps you fall in love with the wonderful world of romance books as much as I have!

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